<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:sy="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/syndication/" > <channel> <title> Comments on: Clay Decorations for Christmas – Part Five: My Handmade Gifts for Friends </title> <atom:link href="https://whitewoodandlinen.com/christmas-clay-decorations/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>https://whitewoodandlinen.com/christmas-clay-decorations/</link> <description>Beautiful Styling, Crafts, Upcycling and Design Blog</description> <lastBuildDate>Thu, 17 Oct 2024 15:34:36 +0000</lastBuildDate> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <item> <title> By: Helen </title> <link>https://whitewoodandlinen.com/christmas-clay-decorations/#comment-8904</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Helen]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 23 Nov 2020 08:39:08 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.whitewoodandlinen.com/?p=3483#comment-8904</guid> <description><![CDATA[In reply to <a href="https://whitewoodandlinen.com/christmas-clay-decorations/#comment-8889">Karen</a>. Oh you will absolutely have the best time making these with The Pink One Karen! Enjoy and don't forget to take lots of photos!x]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In reply to <a href="https://whitewoodandlinen.com/christmas-clay-decorations/#comment-8889">Karen</a>.</p> <p>Oh you will absolutely have the best time making these with The Pink One Karen! Enjoy and don’t forget to take lots of photos!x</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: Karen </title> <link>https://whitewoodandlinen.com/christmas-clay-decorations/#comment-8889</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Karen]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Sun, 22 Nov 2020 08:52:31 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.whitewoodandlinen.com/?p=3483#comment-8889</guid> <description><![CDATA[Just ordered my clay ready for ninny Wednesday! Iโve been waiting to do this for two years <img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/72x72/1f602.png" alt="๐" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" /> Love it!! Xx]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Just ordered my clay ready for ninny Wednesday! Iโve been waiting to do this for two years ๐<br /> Love it!!<br /> Xx</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: Helen </title> <link>https://whitewoodandlinen.com/christmas-clay-decorations/#comment-5782</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Helen]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 25 Oct 2019 09:54:09 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.whitewoodandlinen.com/?p=3483#comment-5782</guid> <description><![CDATA[In reply to <a href="https://whitewoodandlinen.com/christmas-clay-decorations/#comment-5781">Jean</a>. What a wonderful message to wake up to Jean, thank you so very much for all that reading! Gosh you will have found so much to make now... I do hope we get to see some. The clay stars in particular are wonderfully easy and really do last. I have a garland still hanging at Belle's and only last week used some smaller ones as table confetti at a dear friends party... enjoy every minute!x]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In reply to <a href="https://whitewoodandlinen.com/christmas-clay-decorations/#comment-5781">Jean</a>.</p> <p>What a wonderful message to wake up to Jean, thank you so very much for all that reading! Gosh you will have found so much to make now… I do hope we get to see some. The clay stars in particular are wonderfully easy and really do last. I have a garland still hanging at Belle’s and only last week used some smaller ones as table confetti at a dear friends party… enjoy every minute!x</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: Jean </title> <link>https://whitewoodandlinen.com/christmas-clay-decorations/#comment-5781</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Jean]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 25 Oct 2019 07:15:48 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.whitewoodandlinen.com/?p=3483#comment-5781</guid> <description><![CDATA[Helen, some brilliant ideas here, I have just sat and read all 5 of your series. I seriously am going to try so many of your ideas out, so inspiring and not too difficult (they need to be achievable for my simple mind<img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/72x72/1f601.png" alt="๐" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" />). Thank you so much for sharing]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Helen, some brilliant ideas here, I have just sat and read all 5 of your series. I seriously am going to try so many of your ideas out, so inspiring and not too difficult (they need to be achievable for my simple mind๐). Thank you so much for sharing</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> <item> <title> By: Helen </title> <link>https://whitewoodandlinen.com/christmas-clay-decorations/#comment-1697</link> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Helen]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 07 Dec 2018 10:43:25 +0000</pubDate> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.whitewoodandlinen.com/?p=3483#comment-1697</guid> <description><![CDATA[In reply to <a href="https://whitewoodandlinen.com/christmas-clay-decorations/#comment-1695">Molly Mead</a>. Molly I have to tell you this comment reduced me to a few emotional happy tears! To think my crafts will be occupying your little treasures minds over the holiday season is such a wonderful feeling! Thank you for everything... your kind words, your support, (your very funny sense of humour in my life with your daily Instagram posts!) and thank you for having a bit of me in your life, you are so special!x]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In reply to <a href="https://whitewoodandlinen.com/christmas-clay-decorations/#comment-1695">Molly Mead</a>.</p> <p>Molly I have to tell you this comment reduced me to a few emotional happy tears! To think my crafts will be occupying your little treasures minds over the holiday season is such a wonderful feeling! Thank you for everything… your kind words, your support, (your very funny sense of humour in my life with your daily Instagram posts!) and thank you for having a bit of me in your life, you are so special!x</p> ]]></content:encoded> </item> </channel> </rss>