B8901396 82DA 4F6F A5A2 0103CA0C2FB5 1 105 c 2 455x320 - A Simple Bumble Bee Embroidery - a delightful spring craft

A Simple Bumble Bee Embroidery – a delightful spring craft

Back in September last year I was busy embroidering lavender bags to fill with delicious homegrown lavender. I noticed my floral decoration lacked a little movement and later, whilst browsing Instagram as is my want, I stumbled across a favourite of my creative accounts stitching fat little bumble bees onto her own beautiful spring and […]

BBFBDF4E 230E 4A5F 9C5E BD3C04407CC5 1 105 c 455x320 - Rubber stamps - how to say a crafty thank you

Rubber stamps – how to say a crafty thank you

A late wish from me to you for a very Happy New Year. I hope your Christmas was a wonderful one and you managed to do something you enjoyed during those quieter days I like to call Betwixtmas. Mine went by in a flash although I did manage to while away some crafting time and […]