Is it too late to wish you a Happy New Year? Well I do anyhow. I have several pieces of news I would like to share with you as we begin what I hope to be a healthy and happy year for us all. Firstly, I would like to start with a word. A word I have chosen to reflect what I hope to bring to my mind and life in general. Calm is my word for 2019…
I decided on a word rather than resolutions which I tend to denounce as “rubbish” part way through the first week of a new year. The very lovely Becky, ever prolific these days in my Instagram reel as @hazelandbluecandles (do check her out) had suggested the practice of a word might be a preferred alternative to the rules of a resolution and thus more achievable. Becky has also talked of “putting herself out there” a bit more in a bid to further grow her business and I suspect her own self too. I need to put myself out there a bit more in 2019, so I have been inspired by both Becky and this word idea already this year. This is a good thing.

It is an interesting choice of word for me since calm is not generally my initial reaction to a situation which may indeed call for calm. However, we are mid-way through the month and I have only slipped up once so far and that was definitely the supermarkets fault and not mine. In order to continue to achieve calm (and a few personal and business goals along the way) I am taking part in an online course with @kimklassen where we are encouraged to reflect on the year past and build a strong future. We are to choose a goal to work towards and then I am hopeful the rest of the course will help equip us to achieve our goals. I am a third of the way through the material and enjoying the content very much. Words like positive and negative don’t seem to be in Kim’s vocabulary. Choosing instead to look at what is working and building on that and not letting that nagging fear of failure and self-doubt get in the way, will we are told, help to achieve our goals. I’ll let you know how it goes.

One goal which remains elusive to me is time. I never manage to crack this one. So instead of dwelling on the fact it evades me, I am choosing instead to aim to manage the time I do have more effectively. Four blog posts a month and daily Instagram posting is a lovely way to live your life: Sadly for me, it is not sustainable and leaves me with little time for anything else. And there are still chores to do and friends and family to enjoy. So, I have decided moving forward to post on my Instagram account four times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday) and to post here, on the blog from the beautiful Belle’s three Thursdays a month. Begining in February, the first three Thursdays of each month will be brand new and exciting posts. The fourth week of the month will be used by me, to learn more of the technical side of blogging. A few months have five Thursdays, we’ll see how we get on with those.

Years ago, my GP was huffing and puffing her way through our appointment declaring her PC and printer to be a hinderance to her role as a doctor and certainly not what she spent years at medical school training for. I do sympathise. Whilst I could not do what I do without technology, it seems I learn one technical way with this blog and overnight it changes. Sometimes with my half glass empty head on, I think the entire blogging world is against me. This train of thought simply offers no benefit at all. I must learn and keep abreast of change. So learn is certainly what I shall do to grow this blog, for I love to bring you weekly stories, up-cycles, design tips and crafts.
And seemingly a fair few of you enjoy what you see and read too. You offer positivity and encouragement in abundance. Thank you for that. And to those of you who try the ideas I offer and show me, wow is all I can add to a thank you. It truly makes my day to see what you achieve.

And so, onto this year’s blog posts and what we might create together. I have soooo much to bring you. Only last week I looked inside my craft cupboard and announced to Mr M “this little space makes my tummy flip.” It is full of exciting ideas for gifts for loved ones and pretty décor for the home. I also have several more interesting up-cycles to bring to you as I attempt to turn vintage and neglected into vintage and loved. I have several exciting days out booked which I shall be inviting you to join in with me via Instagram stories and here on the blog. So, if you don’t have an Instagram account yet, I urge you to give it a go. It’s very simple to use and a fabulous place to spend time with like minded and supportive people, whatever your hobby. And you could follow me if you like as I aim to offer a few pretty photos of my own.

So, rather a lot to achieve and I am ready to give it all my best shot. Do join in each week in the comments section below. I know I have said it before; Google (and I) like the idea that you read and hopefully enjoy this blog. Comments on here really do help to achieve my number targets, thank you.
Have you set yourself the challenge of any goals this year? I would love to hear about them if you would love to share. And what about this ‘word for the year’ idea, are you joining in too? As well as aiming to achieve a few goals throughout my year, I will attempt to remain true to my word too. Calm can only be a good thing for us all, right? It will surely afford the opportunity to ‘just be’ from time to time. Something else I would like to achieve occasionally too. Goodness me, I appear to have set myself a high bar. Wish me luck, I may need it!

Next week… a craft which will bring back a little of last years summertime to brighten up darker January days. Do join me and, so you don’t miss a single post, why not sign up using the form below. I don’t share any of your details with anyone else, it’s just you and me. Until next week x
It is so hard to stay focused when our days are full with so much isn’t it? The world of SEO is one I need to embrace, yet it’s what I enjoy least for the blog. No more round and round in circles for us Karen…focus and strive forward, that’s what I say!x
Ahh what a lovely honest and positive post. I need to take a leaf out of your book and stop procrastinating. My goal is -(or should be) to sort out my website!! I keep putting it off for a number of reasons, and then busy myself in other things, using those ‘things’ as an excuse as to why I haven’t worked on it. This is the make or break year for me with it! I wish you luck, I know how hard it is!
I’m really looking forward to what you’ve got in store for us this year Xx
You are so right Molly to adopt ‘be kind to myself’ as your theme for the year. I read something the other day about not being able to pour from an empty cup which I guess is much the same. I wish you lots of luck with your approach as I am sure the ripple effect on your family too, will be a positive one. Loving those two hashtags too… off to see if they are real and if they aren’t you’d best get onto that! Lovely you’ll be with me for the ride again you supportive soul. Have a wonderful week x
Thank you lovely friend! I have lots planned and looking forward to bringing lots of new stories for everyone to read x
Helen I feel very excited for you and very much look forward to being part of your journey. You sounds like you have some incredible new ideas and projects. I am also loving your thoughts on ‘calm’ along with Mr M’s ‘Happy’
My word for 2019 is ‘to be kind to myself’ (I think the family are already bored of hearing it🙈) Just to be more mindful upon what I take on and commit to. Already i believe I have noticed a difference.
Like you as much as I love insta with work and home life becoming more hectic I am also going to post a little less ina week. I love to support and give people time and I find I cannot do this currently so thinking posting less allows me more quality.
It’s little changes that can make a significant difference for the better.
Let #feelfreetobeme and #wereinittogether 😆
Here’s to another wonderful year, let’s look back at the end of 2019 Calm, Happy and proud of what we achieve. XXX
Lovely to see you back,, looking forward to seeing what 2019 has in store on your brilliant blog…. amazing pics love the one of Beautiful Belle ❤️ Xxxx
Thank you Sara, you of course will know first hand if I am managing or not!x
great to see you back ! so keep calm and carry on doing your great blogs! xx
Ha ha very funny…aren’t I always?!x
Thank you darling, I have so many ideas and I can’t wait to get started …watch this space!x
My word is ‘Happy’. I will be very Happy if you are Calm all year!! x
Happy new year to you too! looking forward to seeing everything you get up to this year and all your brilliant crafts!
Thank you Cathy for your support and kind words as always. I felt the danger of becoming one of those people seeing the days through everyone elses eyes and not my own. Way too much time being spent on-line which I thoroughly enjoy however if I am not to go goggle eyed I need to curb it a little! Have a wonderful week and thank you for being here every Thursday, I am very grateful x
Morning Helen :0)
I always love to read your blog posts … thank you for your honesty this morning – there is a constant pressure to keep an IG feed updated, and to keep up with all your friends activities. I am pleased you’re putting your needs first, and reducing the frequency of your blogging and IGing – that’s bound to help you to stay calm. And I shall look forward to seeing your photos even more than I already do! Cxxx
Aah thank you darling! I’ve got soooo much planned and can’t wait to get cracking!x
Good luck! I know you can do it you’ve been very calm so far….!
I’m so excited to see what amazing crafts, styling tips and hilarious stories 2019 will bring three Thursdays a month from you! Your plans sound great!