Painted shelf on painted tongue and groove wall dressed with pretty books, paintings and decoration and mini fabric bunting

Mini Fabric Bunting – inspired by a great many creatives

Recently it was the turn of Little Miss to make the oddest of comments as I excitedly unwrapped happy post one sunny morning. “Oh no that ribbon has a stain on it!” she exclaimed as she examined closely my delivery. This eagerly awaited parcel from a fellow instagrammer was full of pretty vintage fabrics and delicate buttons. And seemingly, dirty ribbon. “It’s aged darling” I said kindly “I wanted something old and faded for my mini fabric bunting, something that looks like it’s been there a while.” “Oh well” she said with a sigh and a shrug of the shoulders as she scooted off for work “you’ll not be disappointed with that lot then will you?”

The over used phrase I felt like a child in a sweetshop still best describes how I feel when the postman brings parcels containing these treasures. In this particular parcel straight from a hamlet in France, one tiny gem was wrapped carefully in brown paper and tied in delicate string threaded with the palest of buttons. I know you understand the joy of opening such a thoughtfully wrapped present. There were even a few squares of faded pink cotton ingeniously tucked into a clean and crisp boulangerie bag. I doubt there is much chance I will part with this bag since it is as treasured as the fabric it held. And these aged tart tins tucked neatly in the box are becoming a favourite way to keep buttons and trinkets safe and out on display.

And so, to today’s craft. Disclaimer alert: Mini fabric bunting is not my idea. I was completely inspired by the lovely @tildysroom over on Instagram and her beautiful take on the craft. And I think I could be right in saying many of the talented ladies I mentioned in this post will have their own take on mini fabric bunting too.

You’ll recall from my previous tales, I am all about the quick win where crafts and upcycles are concerned and mini fabric bunting ticks that box well. I found I was able to achieve each flag of bunting in one sitting and personally I find that quite satisfying. I even took this project away with me on a recent holiday and managed a couple of the simpler pieces whilst sipping my cheeky G&T with Mr M on the balcony of our hotel room before supper. It’s all rock and roll with us.

The two squares of bunting in the photo on the left below, were modelled on nautical pieces inspired by Caroline Zoob’s book The Handstitched Home which I have had for a great many years. Bought second hand from Amazon, it had for most of its life with me remained closed. Once opened however I haven’t looked back and I’ve been further inspired to stitch a few other ideas from the pages for future sewing projects. And on the right, two designs inspired by the extremely talented @chalkandpaisley. I love Angeline’s hearts and flowers and admire greatly her endless ideas for recycling scraps of pretty vintage fabrics. I hoped something similar would look at home on my mini fabric bunting.

And I imagine you need little help in identifying who inspired my country folk and houses. Click here to see more of Suzi’s wonderful work.

The rest of the mini fabric bunting evolved as I practiced newly taught stitches and snipped carefully at pieces of delicate cloth. I have known for some years how to sew running, blanket and a simple overstitch. Like many of us, I can recall as far back as primary school and patient teachers. I also got to practice recently learned stitches for roses and flowers and for the mass of brown curly hair on one of my happy ladies. Like I mentioned last week, if I can do it…

To assemble, I simply layed out a metre and a half of dirty ribbon and roughly measured a similar sized gap between each piece of bunting and pinned in place. I used my machine to stitch it all together; you could do this by hand just as easily.

Of course, you guessed straight away where the completed mini fabric bunting will live. The prettiest of decoration for beautiful Belle where there has been another recent addition. A scaffold plank painted shelf with a couple of recycled black brackets which we spray painted white. OK Mr M spray painted them white since I was rather busy sewing and he can’t do that … yet.

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful” said the great English textile designer and poet, William Morris. I think he and I may have gotten along quite well since my charming collection of sewing whimsies perfectly aligns with his carefully chosen words.

Painted shelf on painted tongue and groove wall dressed with pretty books, paintings and decoration and mini fabric bunting

There are so many more paper crafts, sewing crafts and makes for you to read and try on my blog. If a quick up-cycle is more your thing try here and here and if you are currently enjoying outdoor summer dining try here and here for some fun inspiration x

18 Comment

  1. Aah without a doubt this is a favourite of mine Elizabeth. Since this summer mini bunting, I stitched another version for a dear friend at Christmas. They are a perfect way to use up little scraps of fabric x

  2. Oh my goodness, this is going on the project list straight away! It’s adorable 😍. And I love your inspiration, Thank you Helen 😊

  3. I’m so glad you like it Michelle, I have to say it’s one of my favourites and now I’m working on a Christmas one too!x

  4. Oh wow love it hels, so so clever it looks fab and what a perfect position in beautiful belle, so clever and inspiring as always, xxxx

  5. Aah thank you so much Julie. I have really enjoyed this project. It’s a quick win if you break it down into each square and a great way to showcase different stitches/ So glad you enjoyed the read and craft x

  6. Aged ribbon And Lace are charming ! The tiny little squares are enchanting and your finished product looks so pretty !

  7. Oh wow thank you for all of that, your comments made me smile from ear to ear! I am so happy with how the bunting turned out and particularly happy that it fit so well on the new/old shelf at Belle’s… that’s your Christmas present sorted out then!x

  8. I am so glad you enjoy my makes and stories Mary Katherine and I extremely grateful you take the time to let me know… my friend from way away x

  9. Utterly charming, Helen! This will be a cosy place for my mind to go whilst riding the elevator or waiting for copies to print today. I always finish reading your posts smiling…

  10. Oh wow Helen! Wow! Another fabulous blog which I absolutely enjoyed reading and I absolutely love the mini bunting you made. It’s gorgeous and so pretty and I want one!!! So, so creative and all that detailing on each of those pieces of fabric you stitched. Love the daisy, love the lady with the curly hair, love all of them! The bunting looks amazing hanging on the shelf in Belle. You’re so inspiring! You are a clever lady too! xxx

  11. The curly hair turned out rather well I thought too Little Miss and the ‘dirty ribbon’ worked a treat! I don’t think Dad saw… don’t tell him, he’ll never know! Thank you for your lovely comment and support as always my darling x

  12. Thank you Karen for the inspiration. Your own bunting was magnificent and totally inspiring and thank you too for leaving a lovely commentx

  13. Vintage ribbon shall be for ever known now as ‘dirty’! Thank you for the ribbon and for being here Karen x

  14. Yes Mr M was somewhat bemused when out came the sewing with the G&T instead of my usual bag of peanuts brought from home! I’m so happy you like the bunting and story too, thank you for letting me know!x

  15. The lady with the curly hair is the cutesttt ever!!!! Love this bunting….loved so much looking at each pretty square you had stitched before they were all put together! You’ve rather got the hang of this haven’t you?!
    “Roughly measured a similar sized gap” hahaha I hope Dad doesn’t know…he will be having palpitations! You’re so clever I admire all you do, always xxxxxx

  16. Oh Helen, it turned out beautifully! It looks just perfect where you placed it too. Fantastic! And huge thanks for the gorgeous mention of Tildy’s Room, that’s so sweet ❤️❤️ Xxx

  17. Haha! I recognised a little bit of me here! And the ‘dirty ribbon’ is the perfect foil for your beautifully clever bunting. Loved it all as ever xx

  18. Oh Helen that bunting is just so lovely and all made by your own fair hands!…so satisfying … and fancy you even made some on holiday while having a G & T…I can see you now!
    Another great blog Helen ❤️❤️

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