It is said every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings. I have always thought that a heart warming idea and I am rather fond of an ornamental pair of angel wings myself. The kind you see hanging as a pretty decoration in the home perhaps from a drawer or door handle. I have a wooden pair and a painted tin pair each bought over the years from brocante sellers. And I have often wondered how to make fabric angel wings so recently, I decided to have a try at making my own using a beautiful and delicate piece of vintage quilt I bought way back when. And so pleased was I with how they turned out, I had another go with my homemade scrappy fabric. Why don’t you come take a look…
It is often thought we each have our own guardian angel; one who watches over and protects us. And whether you are a believer or not, it is a comforting thought. I have always thought of my late Grandmother as my guardian angel. She was a feisty lady who put up with no nonsense, one you wanted by your side when it mattered most and I may have written this before, she was a big influence on me as I grew up. I tend to chat with her when something good happens and again when I’m worried about someone or something. We’ve been chatting quite a lot this year. I have a wonderful photo of Nan at Belle’s and I thought also, a pair of fabric angel wings hanging by her side might be appropriate.
To begin this craft you will need:
- Wing paper template – I drew around my metal decoration; there are plenty of free templates to be found on Pinterest
- Strong (ish) card – I used an old piece from my card stock
- Fabric glue
- Thick (ish) front fabric – I used vintage quilt and my homemade scrappy fabric
- Contrasting back fabric – I used white linen, of course
- Trimmings – you’ll see what I chose as we progress
- Ribbon or the like for hanging
Start by using your paper template to cut out three mediums: card, front and back fabric.

Next glue your backing fabric to the card and don’t worry too much if the two don’t quite marry up perfectly. Sharp scissors will become your new best friend later. Now loop your ribbon and glue this to the other side of the card where your thicker fabric will sit.

Just before you glue your front fabric in place, decide if you are going to machine or hand stitch any embellishments to it. I used the machine to stitch the typewritten word ‘love’ in place and secured a vintage button with a simple hand stitch.

Once you are happy all stitching is complete, go ahead and glue your top fabric in place sandwiching the ribbon between this fuller fabric and the card. I played around with a few more trinkets and treasures and settled on a delicate tiny cardboard flower and some pink trimming, fixing both securely in place with the fabric glue. A pretty pink French knot adds to the ribbon. And finally I chose to machine stitch around the perimeter of the fabric wings. You don’t need to; I just preferred the finish on the quilted fabric. Now get to snipping away any annoying bits on show which you think shouldn’t be there. And that’s it, simple and beautiful. What do you think? I am jolly pleased with my first attempt.

For the fabric angel wings made from my homemade scrappy fabric, I made a small mistake by gluing the ribbon under the the thin backing fabric resulting in an ugly bulge. To disguise, I added a made with love trinket. A patch of vintage fabric or lace would work wonders too with any little imperfections you can’t live with.

Then these fabric wings were treated to their own sweet bell and the border left unstitched. Do you have a preference?

Little Miss was delighted with her very own pair of fabric angel wings which I tried by reversing the fabrics, a thin cotton on the front and a piece of plump French quilting on the back…

And finally, this old piece of white and lavender quilt – I promise you it took three days to convince myself I was doing the right thing finally using it for this project – was just big enough to make a pair of fabric angel wings for Belle’s. I think these look rather splendid next to Nan’s photo don’t you think so too?

Quite a few alternatives here to choose from should you wish to make your own DIY fabric angel wings and a timely gift perhaps to add to your homemade Christmas projects. Which one will you choose? Do you have a scrap of fabric you’ve saved which might be quite perfect for your own fabric angel wings?
So, that’s a pair for Little Miss, a pair for Belle’s and since I feel quite sure Mr and Master M won’t be queueing up for a pair anytime soon, that leaves two pairs of craft angel wings to gift at Christmas. Now let me see, who shall get those? Until next week…x
If you are making Christmas gifts for friends and family this year, here are a few ideas you might like to help you on your way…
lavender rice bag, personalised stationery, fabric covered matchboxes, wooden decorations
Hi Shirley, thank you for your lovely message; I do hope you enjoy making these decorations, they are one of my favourites!x
I love these so much! And I’ve read it over and over. I can’t wait to make them for my girls ❤️ And one for me ❤️
This is one of those simple crafts with a lot of gain and open to so many uses including as some have suggested, mini ones for present toppers and tree decorations! I’m pleased you like them too x
Sorry for my delay in responding!…. but I did eventually read it and loved the blog and so loved those angel wings . Such a simple craft and I think many people could get comfort from having them. Xxx
My absolute pleasure Debbie, I am bowled over by the wonderful response to this week’s blog and craft, so pleased so many enjoyed it, thank you for letting me know you are one of them!x
What a lovely craft…thank you for showing us how to do this, Helen. xo
Ash dear Wendy you are so kind! Thank you for your lovely words and for enjoying the blog always, much love x
Sooo sooo incredibly pretty, as lovely as the maker, thank you & hugs!!
I didn’t want to prompt you to read this week’s blog because you know me, I am nooooo control freak nor will I have it said that I am a bossy boots but….. I KNEW you would love these!!! Thank you for your lovely message my dear friend x
OMG Hels what a fabulous blog dedicated on making angel wings. They are so beautiful and your creations always turn out amazing. I absolutely adore angel wings and as you know, I have them scattered all around the house. They bring me comfort.
This is probably one of my most favourite of your blogs because for some reason those beautiful angel wings have touched a cord in me. They will certainly make a fabulous gift for someone who believes in angels… xxx
You do have your very own wings my darling and I am truly happy you love them so! Thank you for always loving everything I make for you x
Dear Jo, I am so truly sorry for your loss and for all those affected by it. It is utterly heart breaking to watch your own child suffer too; I too have experienced something similar and was left feeling quite helpless. I am touched that these wings will help in such a small way and honoured that you shared your story for I am quite certain in so doing, you will have helped another. Much love to you all x
First time I’ve ever replied to a blog post, but I just had to thank you for this. We’ve recently suffered a terrible bereavement, & one of my children is struggling so much with it, it’s breaking my heart. I do genuinely believe in angels, & I like to feel that there is a gorgeous 27 year old angel above me now, smiling down at me & telling me it will be okay, & that he is okay. I’m going to make a pair of these for myself, as a reminder of him, & another pair for my darling child, because I think they will bring such comfort. Apologies for the emotional response, but it seems as if that’s the only kind I can do right now! Sending love. Xx
I HAVE THESE…I have these I dooooo! I love mine soooo much they are the best – they are so beautiful and whoever receives them will be over the moon that’s for sure! Absolutely brilliant Mum, as always xxxxxx
Oh Helen this is just perfect to read, how lovely one day when all these weird days are over, you must tell me all about Rose over a pot of tea and cake. I am so happy you enjoyed the craft and even happier that you stopped by to tell me, it means the world, thank you so much and have a great weekend ahead. P.S I have never watched this film, I shall do now! x
Well Helen this weeks blog has to be one of my favourites , especially as ‘It’s a Wonderful life’ is my all time favourite xmas film. I’m sure Clarence would approve!
I will definitely be finding time to make some of these. My favourite has to be the ones with the little rosebuds. As for guardian Angels, I’m a believer too and one of mine is called Rose. ( Im greedy I have a few’) and I think some Angel wings will be perfect to hang beside her photo. She also happens to be the person who taught me to sew.