handmade whitewood and linen business cards used in thank you post

Thank you and Happy Birthday Whitewood and Linen

Welcome, welcome everyone. I’m feeling a little excited over here today… Whitewood and Linen crafts blog turned one year old this week and thank you for being here today for this milestone! Actually and technically speaking, this little blog is just over eighteen months old really. In truth, it took me over six months to find the courage to press the publish button. In fact pressing that button was possibly one of the scariest moments ever. I mean, I can still recall now thinking, what if no one reads it? What if no one is interested in my little stories? What if I get rotten feedback or worse still, what if I’m trolled? What if people laugh at me? All nice and positive thoughts. I recall many a heart racing moment thinking I had broken WordPress or worse still, the world wide web. I drove myself and my family more than a little crazy. I mean, sharing private memories publicly is a little ‘out there’ for me, could I even do it? I am the mother who has a sense of humour bypass if I appear in one of my children’s home videos and can hear my own voice. “Don’t send that to anyone” I say “my voice sounds funny”. “Your voice always sounds like that Mum!” they laugh. Really, who knew? Yet my family and friends were as ever, super kind and supportive. They promised to read every week and tell me (kindly) if it was rubbish. And the longer I left it, the more I gave myself a great many reasons not to do it. And then one day, without warning, I had my brave moment. I pressed the publish button and you came and you did read it…

Initially I was to take you on a journey whilst we renovated our bungalow in the beautiful Hampshire countryside. I told how we would live as it was then for a year, watch how the light worked, play to its advantages. Take plenty of time to plan rooms in the best places, share highs and lows of building our dream home.

Bungalow 1 225x300 - Thank you and Happy Birthday Whitewood and Linen

Soon after we moved in, we spruced up the kitchen, created a mud room cum utility and redesigned much of our back garden creating a long held dream of a tiny sweet orchard. Our budget was tight and I shared many a Cinderella moment with upcycled furniture from junk shops and eBay. I promised home styling tips on a budget and I shared some of my favourite second-hand books and china showing how I use them in my own home decor. I confessed a love for faffing and showed you some of my inexpensive and beautiful pre-loved artwork constantly on the move around our home, to brighten up new spaces. And of course I introduced you to Belle, my beautiful Shepherds Hut, my happy place and from where I am lucky enough to spend many of my days writing these stories to share with you.

Shepherds Hut through the trees 225x300 - Thank you and Happy Birthday Whitewood and Linen

And when our family focus changed recently and we put off the build for a while, I shared more of my crafty side with delightful ideas for gifts for loved ones like this beautiful handmade writing paper easily personalised to your own design and these firestarters guaranteed to warm homes and hearts. And I even showed how not to paint a fireplace and then how to make it all better.  And then there was Doris, brightening up a dark corner at Christmas, in Autumn and at Easter too. And sometimes The Spotty One was found photo bombing my stories and always, there was more Belle.

Belle and Spencer Summer 2017 225x300 - Thank you and Happy Birthday Whitewood and Linen

And as our Whitewood and Linen crafts blog reaches its first milestone, I wanted today’s post to be a thank you to you all. My weekly stats show so many of you read each and every week whilst others of you dip in and out as your busy lives allow. Whitewood and Linen has readers who catch up with our news when they have a few minutes and others who re-read old stories just because. I never would have imagined this little blog would become so cosmopolitan and its regular readers would be from so many beautiful and far away countries, many of these beautiful places I have only ever heard of. And although I always hoped to inspire with my stories, I never dreamt you would try some of my crafts and styling tips. And you do and I am humbled and grateful beyond measure. So thank you. A huge and very genuine thank you to you all, you know who you are.

I know it to be rude to tell your friends what you would like for a birthday present, unless of course they ask. Today though, I am going to break that rule for Whitewood and Linen. I am going to be bold and ask for another present please, since I know my gift already to be, you reading my blog each week. Today, I am going to be greedy and ask for more. I am going to ask for more of you wonderful readers to join in and leave a comment from time to time. Here on the blog, at the bottom of each post. Not just because I love to hear if you enjoyed a story, made a craft yourself or found a particular style tip to be helpful. It is also because when you do so more often, you tell the wonderful world of Google and it’s algorithms you are here and you are enjoying all you read. And because of that, this little blog gets to spread even further in the world wide web and perhaps even more readers may enjoy its stories too. Perhaps others will come to benefit from my own personal goal each time I write a story; a goal which is simply to inspire. And in the same spirit as receiving any other gift, I say now another heartfelt, thank you for any help you can give.

Over the next two weeks I shall be working behind the scenes making small changes to the Whitewood and Linen crafts blog to help widen its audience still further. For this non technical story-teller, this remains a daunting prospect. Pressing strange buttons remains somewhat unnerving. So it’s a two week break away from writing stories and much needed time to learn new skills for me. I shall be back with another short story on June 21st when hopefully we will all be in full summer mode and the sun will be shining brightly. In the meantime you can keep up to date with pretty squares on my daily Instagram posts if you like and my Pinterest page has even more inspiration for you too. Thank you, every single one of you x

zinc hydrangea bucket with belle sign 225x300 - Thank you and Happy Birthday Whitewood and Linen


20 Comment

  1. Happy Birthday! Have a lovely break (to learn). I’m new to this too and I am stumbling around blindly, desperately trying to create interesting posts, but feeling as though I’m failing miserably. My blog is part of an attempt to be more positive, so I’ve just blown that out of the water with my negative and self deprecating comment! I love reading your posts and can’t wait to see the changes.
    Jennie xox

    1. Hi Jennie, lovely to meet you…your comment made me laugh! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the blog… you are right there is so much to learn and sometimes it is all a little daunting. I am currently seeking expert help with my SEO…another whole new world. I just tell myself, one step at a time and somehow I’ll get there. Seems to me you are in a similar position. Over the weekend I’ll have a look at your posts too and thank you so much for taking the time to comment; every time the comments box flashes with incoming mail, my heart does a little squeal! Have a lovely day x

  2. A huge happy birthday to your wonderful blog! I’m such a proud son who’s watched you tackle technical problems that go right over my head! You’ve come so far and this blog brings so much happiness to your readers! Love you millions and keep it up! X

    1. Well ok, so that made your old mum cry! Thank you darling for such kind words. I am truly lucky to have so much support and I sooooo appreciate it all; from my lovely family, true friends and loyal readers x

  3. Congratulations Helen and well done for getting this far – and sticking to it!! I know that dreaded feeling thinking you have broken the internet, I’ve broke it, or so I thought a zillion times over when working on my site. I love this blog, your Instagram page and I’m going to find you on Pinterest. It’s a whole new world out there, and I wish you all the very best. Here’s to many more enjoyable years. Always so beautifully written. Much love Xx

    1. Oh Karen what lovely words…thank you so much and for your unfailing support always. So funny to think we met through my Instagram ‘technical error’, very lucky to have you read each week and to follow you too @karen_sagegreeninteriors growing your beautiful home and building your wonderful on-line store. Hope you are reading for as long as I am writing, lots of love xx

  4. Congratulations on having your blog 1 year it’s a great read I hope I find time to put some of your ideas into practice! And im sorry I didn’t say happy birthday earlier I had no idea 🙈 Emily xxxx

    1. Ahh thank you lovely Emily for your kind words. I’m so glad you enjoy the read and that you took the time to leave a comment. It means so much to know others enjoy the blog. When you know so many enjoy it, it spurs you on to keep going, so here’s to another year! Enjoy your week x

  5. Oh Helen, can this truly be a year! 🎉 Huge congratulations you know to me you are a massive inspiration and I have even followed suit in creating some of your very own ideas. I do enjoy and look forward to each blog. I am only grateful I am part of your gang, so to say!
    Happy Birthday and for one moment I cannot believe you wouldn’t allow yourself in video clips 😉😆Xxx

    1. Hello Molly… it’s so wonderful to meet you and I really cannot thank you enough for all your lovely comments today on ALL the posts you have read! It must have taken you so long to write them all…thank you sooooooo much. Have you been reading from the beginining?x

  6. Here is your present!! It’s always so lovely to read the blog and I have even taken some of your ideas to use AND made a craft!!!?? Shall miss the stories for the next few weeks but wow…doesn’t this one show how many fantastic ones you have already written?!
    Keep going with your next step if this is what you have achieved in one year then I cannot wait for the next one!!! xxxxx

    1. Thank you for my present Little Miss! It is only when I wrote this post and linked to all the others, I realised how much has been achieved in a year. I too am looking forward to writing some more. Thank you for always reading and supporting me x

  7. Well, being I get so many mentions, always read yet never comment, here’s a loving and much deserved Birthday comment. I’m so proud of what you have achieved, I know how hard you have worked, how much effort you have put in and the perseverance you have shown to create your beautiful site and weekly posts. I’m very proud of you and promise to leave more comments on future posts xx

    1. Mr M thank you for this lovely surprise! I am very lucky to have your support behind the scenes, helping with the DIY and putting up with my technical dramas. Thank you for always being there and encouraging me along the way x

  8. Well that was a mega read Helen!!…but as usual so well written and interesting! I hope you continue to get many more followers as I am sure you will! And of course many Happy returns to Whitewood and Linen! Xxxxx

    1. Lovely Sara, thank you as ever for supporting me, hopefully these comments will help build the blog for a wider audience x

  9. Such an enjoyable read Helen and I’m looking forward to future posts! x

    1. Sarah, thank you for leaving a lovely comment. It’s great to have you join in and I hope you continue to enjoy my weekly stories!x

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Soooooo proud!
    I’ve not yet had a proper read but had to say! Will be back soon to read properly xxxxxx

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