My love of a homemade sign is well documented in this blog. I have a treasured one handmade by the wonderful and kind Rachel @thepaperiemakerie which you may have seen taking centre stage at Belle’s. I also have several, well actually a great many homemade signs of my own too. A selection is nestled comfortably in my garden ageing quite pleasingly surrounded by beautiful blooms this summer. And earlier this year I decided to add a few to the Cottage Garden by making homemade slate plant markers since there had been a few dusty and long forgotten slate tiles found in our garage. These garden plant markers would make wonderful gifts for friends and family (it really nearly is time to start thinking about you know when) or you might find a suitable home for them in your own garden. And since I appreciate not everyone has slate tiles hanging around, there are a few ideas for alternative materials you can use instead in today’s story. So dear friend, let us begin…
If you do have slate tiles and you don’t have a Mr M or a thing-a-me-jig, now is the time to go visit a friend, family member or neighbour who has their own. In my experience taking with you a surplus of homegrown vegetables, hydrangeas or whatever else you have a glut of this year, generally secures the deal. If no slate or such like material is to be found in your world, terracotta tiles, zinc plant containers, old buckets and many other household or garden paraphernalia will do just the trick. Or your next move could be to go visit the local reclamation yard and snuffle yet more treasures. Back to my slate plant markers for now and Mr M offered me a variety of shapes and sizes to get creative with.
Initially I experimented with chalk. No good; much rain and intensive watering during dry spells washes away your design. I used a white paint marker pen like this one which offered a simple no nonsense solution trusting in the beautiful flowers to supply the decoration. I then forgot to photograph the slate garden markers with their appropriate blooming flowers; I trust your imagination won’t let you down.
And then I jazzed up one or two with my array of multi coloured Sharpies applying them over the white background of the paint marker. The cheery colours offered bright and pleasing results as the garden grew and I sealed each marker with two coats of this for longevity. I can happily report each design has stood up to several torrential storms this summer and I shall continue my experiment as I leave the slate plant markers in situ throughout autumn and winter to further test their stamina.
I made just two more plant markers for this summer’s garden. For the first a bit of bee doodling and yellow paint. I am unable to draw at all well so Little Miss helped out with her creative skills whilst I got busy with the acrylic paints. I finished with a light sanding and the sealing spray. I think hiding in amongst the scabious is the perfect spot for this plant marker to encourage the fluffy bees to come do their thing.
And to the second slate garden marker I fixed a cute wooden ladybird in place with a super-duper strong glue since the dot on its back may not stand the test of time. This sweet little trinket was in a party bag I received recently during a creative and fun day @thecozyclubx. You can buy them here too if you’re stocking up your craft cupboard. The welcome extended to these garden bugs is applied with a fine paint brush, red acrylic paint and by making good use of an old stencil. Again I applied double coverage of the fixing spray and I chose a spot near Belle’s steps to enjoy watching this craft weather over time.
Elsewhere in the garden this summer, many nooks and crannies have each enjoyed a touch of vintage homespun charm. All these garden signs have been hanging strong for a while now.
I have determined I may well be too proactive for my own good since I have fashioned a new sign for another space in the garden we have yet to create. “Where’s the Secret Garden then?” asked a puzzled Mr M when I proudly showed him this tell-tale sign. “Well I can’t tell you that” I replied “if I did, it wouldn’t be a secret after all would it?” My turn for much eye rolling as I wandered off leaving him unnerved at the prospect of yet more work in the garden. I can tell you a little bit more though if you’d like; the Secret Garden will be ready next Spring… only remember, Mum’s the word for now… x

You can find even more garden craft inspiration by clicking here and here and here.
Oh wow Dottie, thank you for these suggestions, sweet Ciciley is something I never thought of and is now added to the list! I so love the name Beatrice, very pretty!x
Charlotte Early salad potatoes are wonderful, Strawberr,y,s Sweet Ciciley herb bees I’ve and Dahlias or Margurite Daisy. Cut and Come Again lettuce,Our Grand-Daughters name is Beatrice so the plant label with a new on is a must. Oh and Kale is super Ho e rown.
Thank you so much Sharon for your lovely message, so glad you like them and the blog too!x
Fantastic idea ! Such a beautiful blog xx
Thank you Michelle, they really are rather handy. I’ve been thinking recently about a new post for home-made cards; what a good idea to include a selection made from the photos on the blog, thank you!x
Just catching up!! … absoloutely love these Hels such a clever idea.. love the slate signs, beautiful photos as always… would make stunning cards! Xxxx
I read this comment out aloud to Mr M Helen who turned a funny grey shade and said “secret doorways? rambling roses?” utter panic stretched across his face! Me on the other hand, well this comment got me thinking… have a lovely week in your beautiful garden x
Having enjoyed a lovely lunch with you yesterday dear friend, I now realise what you meant by your cheeky Christmas present list! Duly added!x
Oh a secret garden Helen, that sounds very exciting. I’ve always longed for one of those. I’m hoping it includes rambling roses and a secret doorway leading into it?You must teach me your trick on how you get Me M to do all these little jobs for you I’m going wrong somewhere?!😂I love your slate signs, a great addition to your cottage garden. Xx
Awwwwww Helen what a lovely blog. I enjoyed that read (although I enjoy reading all your blogs). I really love your garden signs, such a brilliant idea! Can I please add one of those on my ever growing Christmas list too?! X😄
Ha ha ha I do that too!! And I hadn’t actually thought of that benefit as well. There is a pub not far from us which has a lovely wooden painted sign which says something like “sorry you missed us come by next year” in their flower patch. I thought that was super cute and is next on my list to try for the colder months… so glad you liked these ideas!x
A great idea, especially during the times when said plant is not above ground or obvious. As in, “now WHERE were those tulips?” before I slice through them with a spade….
These turned out beautifully – thanks so much for sharing!
Thanks for helping your mumma Little Miss. There are a few untapped corners still to be explored in the garden yet my love, just don’t tell your father!x
Love the slate signs!!! Your garden really is full of treasures isn’t it ! Can’t be room for ANOTHER garden surely haha but I can’t wait to see more!
Thank you Katie, I’m really pleased you enjoyed your read this morning this is such a simple and rewarding craft. And I see now you too have a blog which I shall check out myself with afternoon tea! x
Beautiful post Helen love these. I didn’t realise how many lovely pics you have on your blog! Will have a look at your other posts. Katie x