shiny trinkets and treasures in a vintage tin heart
Crafts Garden

How to make a DIY Bird Scarer – or is it a recycled wind chime…

“I think I might make a scarecrow for the Kitchen Garden” I said to the boys recently. There was no need for either of them to verbalise their thoughts since the expression on both their faces as they lifted heads briefly from gadgets, said it all.  Mr M did offer a disinterested “I thought the idea was to tidy up the place a bit darling?” nothing more though. Despite the fact I knew it would be a tasteful scarecrow, I gave the idea a miss for now and turned my attention to something a little less obvious. Join me today to see how my DIY bird-scarer cum homemade windchimes turned out, using of course, nothing I didn’t already have stashed away in my craft room…

Whilst I was making my diy bird-scarer I remembered as a child being told not to leave my toys outside in the rainy garden because “they’ll go rusty and get ruined” and I smiled to myself since fast forward a good many years, I seem to seek out only that which will deliver rust and wear and tear easily.

Your homemade bird scarer shouldn’t look like mine of course. You will have your own tins and treasures to leave outside to rust in the rain: This is what I used…

  • Salvaged broken jewellery and necklaces
  • Tarnished vintage spoons
  • Champagne wire – the one which holds the cork safely in place
  • Rusty garden chain
  • Christmas cracker trinkets
  • Rusty hooks
  • Wine cork
  • Small tin storage bucket
  • Garden string
  • Mr M’s drill

I started by drilling holes around the top of my little bucket similar in size to the drainage ones it already had. I attached a long garden chain by threading bits of rusty wire you first saw here through a link in the chain and passing it through the drainage holes, twisting and turning the wire as I went.

I recently ruined several vintage spoons – there were tears, it is still raw and painful – by leaving them overnight in a strong bicarbonate of soda and water solution. After several fraught attempts to save them, I had reluctantly added them to the craft room stock and thought my bird scarer would be an ideal use for them and might also help this craft pass for a recycled wind chime too. I drilled holes in each handle and attached a long length of garden twine.

I screwed an old brass picture hook into the centre of the base of the bucket starting from the inside and continued straight through into a piece of wine cork securing the hook safely in place. And from the brass hook, I hung my vintage spoons. As I did so, I was delighted to notice the jangling cutlery creating exactly the tune I had hoped for.

Lengths of discarded necklaces, once pretty costume jewellery created jingle jangles around the vintage bucket, each one held securely in place with the champagne corks’ wire which had been passed through the drilled holes.

I topped off the piece of wine cork with hot glue and a small mirror I’d salvaged from a broken compact a long long time ago together with a shiny trinket in the hope should we ever get any sunshine this year, it might reflect around the kitchen garden quite nicely and keep hungry birds away from my lettuce. And I added to the end of each jingle jangle, a saved Christmas cracker trinket which my lovey mother-in-law gave me in a box of goodies recently. She announced she’d had a clear out of her cupboards and wondered would I like a box of ribbons and treasures she herself had saved over the years. Of course I was delighted to receive my gift, unlike her son who felt clearing out my own tat shouldn’t warrant replacing it with hers.

And that was it, off I went to play in the kitchen garden adding my recycled bird scarer to the company of old CD’s hanging from garden twine, themselves serving as DIY bird scarers. And I spent a little while working out just where a scarecrow might live out its life inconspicuously amongst the veggies.

Since one of Master M’s bedroom windows overlooks the kitchen garden, I imagine my noisy homemade wind chimes may be moved fairly soon, for now though I am sitting with the kitchen barn door open, enjoying listening to the sweet sound of a calming symphony blowing in the breeze.

I wish I’d stencilled the bucket as I did here; perhaps I shall in time. I imagine this to be the perfect sunny afternoon crafting with little ones making something similar alongside parents or grandparents perhaps with a paper cup and ribbons or streamers of their own and I’ve saved a few more ideas to my Pinterest board which you might like to check out too. And I imagine your recycled bird scarer will be similar to mine yet quite different using your own broken jewellery, squirreled away for just such a craft.

Next week I have a needle and thread in my hand and I am creating a totally unique piece which I do believe beginners and the more accomplished stitcher amongst us, will enjoy turning their time and hands to as well. Until then…x

This blog is full of garden crafts to fill your space at any time of year. From a repurposed tray to carry your refreshing drinks and nibbles into the garden, to handy plant markers for your herbs and salads, there’s a craft or two for everyone!

14 Comment

  1. This made me giggle Alison “windchime cemetery” I imagine a large pile discarded in your garden! Aren’t husbands odd things? What is not to like about a gentle chink chink from the garden? I’m pleased you like them though!x

  2. Thank you . X
    I love the idea and I enjoy windchimes . But and it’s a big but ! My husband doesn’t find them so relaxing . So like yours might be soon 😘 they are removed to the windchime cemetery where there is no chance of me discovering them again . Although I do have fun with inventing new ones xx looking forward to seeing the scarecrow . 😄

  3. This is a perfect craft to do with your grandkiddies Sara and can just imagine what clever little designs they will come up with! Thank you for your lovely message x

  4. Hello lovely Debbie! I love the sound of your spoons and your scarecrow too. We have a lot of deer around here so I feel at some stage I shall win the scarecrow battle! Much love x

  5. Alison, keys are just perfect! I’ve got some too and never gave them a thought… would love to see when yours is made, have the best weekend ahead x

  6. This craft absolutely must have a champagne cork added appropriately Suzanne!! I felt this was a fairly humane way to eradicate the birds from the veggie patch and I’m so pleased you enjoyed the craft too; thank you for your lovely comment and enjoy your weekend ahead!x

  7. Now I’m off to find some bits and bobs ready to do with the grandkids when the nice weather arrives! Great idea Helen as always! Xx

  8. Your project is much prettier than mine, Helen. I just use old silver spoons clanging together. I never thought to make it so eye appealing!! I DO have a scarecrow in my garden to ward off the deer at night. It’s a “country painted wood piece” that I’ve used for a long time. He’s been done over a few times. Whatever does the job, right? Have a great weekend! xo

  9. What a fab idea. I’ve been collecting old keys and have quite a box full in my craft room (hasn’t everyone) so I can use these. Thank you x

  10. Whilst I actively encourage birds to my garden, like you I don’t particularly want my seedlings nibbled by birds in the morning! I love your idea of upcycling bits and bobs to create the prettiest of scarecrows to discourage birds from planted vegetables!

    Clearly it’s a good excuse for me to crack open a bottle of champagne just to ensure I have the necessary components for my crafting! 🍾🥂🤪

    Love it! Suzanne X

  11. My scarecrow of course would be elegant and non scary, rather like Doris herself if you recall. I am so glad you like it and who would’ve thought those trinkets would come in useful for such a craft?! Thank you for reading darling x

  12. The scarecrow idea made me laugh so much 😂😂😂 what you have made is so much prettier and much less terrifying!! You are so so clever using up all your bits and bobs – I can’t believe I doubted you for a second!!! Xxxxxxx

  13. In future I shall run all my crafts past you first lovely Molly, these boys are not helpful. Thank you for your lovely comment, made me giggle since of course any old cork would work well but champers as we know is quite the best! Much love and have a happy weekend with your gang x

  14. Oh Helen I love this idea but only you would make a bird scarer with champagne corks 😂I love it!
    I agree a stencil would look fabulous to finish this off but the great part about your projects is that they can forever evolve.
    This really is divine I love how all the treasures are so personal x
    I can’t believe your boys doubted you for one moment that you would be creating a mess! Xx

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